Tuesday, November 23, 2010

This void.

This void,
does not fill with volatile verbal bubbles,
dangling,falling and breaking
around me,
But only with,
vibrant specks of that togetherness,
connecting you and me..

This void,
still awaits for a beautiful mist,
to descent in layers,
from a homely hillside,
capturing the silences
in the dreamy eyelids of a dozing flower,
in its soul..

This void,
tells me to empty myself in to your core,
fulfilling the hopes of an oasis,
sprouting inside the thoughts
of a hot summer day of a desert.

This void,
whispers in my ears,
to go to sleep,
in the cradle of your arms,
dreaming of the silvery threads
of monsoon rains,
hanging through silky clouds,
glittering stars of a moist night,
peeping through the veil of a satin breeze,
Dreaming of,
the smiling bright
unerroded face of a complete moon,
placidly resting,
in the velvety lap of a bluish sky,
humming an unknown melody,
evolving and echoing,
from my own soul..

1 comment:

  1. n the velvety lap of a bluish sky,
    humming an unknown melody,
    evolving and echoing,
    from my own soul..

    Beautiful verses!!!
